DF manager is green with envy. She went to check out the Paper Airplane website and her face scrunched up like a dried-out prune.
I cannot believe what I saw. Their website is so like Sum41, balls. Chee Tan ar!We're talking about a local band here! A band who is going to be performing next Sunday at Fort Canning Green and I got invited to go. Well, DF got invited to go but I was talking to one of them so...
DF manager knows her graphic skills is never going to be that good. Despite what Kenny and Dino said last night about her T-shirt designs (they say they were pretty good by the way, considering Dino comes from TP Design and he doesn't know the manager that well). She suddenly thinks of Salihin and she starts banging the table. She knows the guitarist would want to expect something similar to Paper Airplane's website, even better. She wishes he would just drop dead but she knows he is the talent of the band. She thinks: 'BITCH!'
How then will DF manager hold her peace with the guitarist? Will she even bother to try?
and the saga continues...