Noise Noise Noise
I need to be run over by a car. I've been DF's whore too long. Some people change and some just don't.
I hate all the scornings, the scoffings, the self-righteous comments. And their idea of a joke suddenly doesn't seem funny anymore. I hate it that all of them always make me seem like I'm the one with the issues, I'm the one with the overdose of everything. It's just upsetting when you realise you gave up so much fo people you thought were your friends. People who claim this and that. But that's all there is to it -just claims. All talk, talk, talk.
I don't usually get bombed by all of these dramas week after week. In fact, I hate all of it! I hate it! Shit after shits! All I'm asking is if you've got nothing good to say to me, get outta my face. Simple. I won't ask why coz it's entirely redundant to me. I don't wanna hear about what I should or shouldn't have done or said. There is nothing else to learn from the DF geeks. I just wanna say that I predict John Jonh's going to leave DF for a better band. There! I've said it! This is what I really think.