shit is when you hafta get up when it's a cold morning
aye aye aye!
lurp's sister is opening her antique store today at arab street. she invited me to crash but i don't think i'll make an appearance, at least not today. lurp is still the same. i met and saw sham, rain, lan and co (bleurgh!) last night at orch. but i think the highlight of yesterday was when i read the preface of Kmart:10 Deadly Sins at the skatepark. i was actually digging the stuff. although the skaters were making puns at me about how i was dressed. they sang guns&roses november rain when i walked by them. tot it was cool actually coz i've always thought slash was hot with his top hat and guitar. but way too many stares when i got on the train home. i thank god rain was with me. he did the most incredibly thing: while we were waiting for the train at somerset and all the way to kallang, he managed to doodle on one side of both my chuck taylors with liquid paper. i was so amazed. he has quick hands, that boy. and a really nasty horny mind to boot. he was all about pussy juice tasting last night. dunno what's come over rain. went as far as telling me to taste my own juice. i think that was when i ram the peach tart he was eating into his face. or maybe it was before... can't remember.