Mondays have never been this ominous. We are going crackers at the office with a few soldiers out for the count (soldiers my foot ar! assholes went on leave). More work for this office since a certain department went on mutiny. Some internal politics I don't give a rat ass about but I'm pissed just the same. Assholes. I look even more like death on arrival than I usually am. Yep, we didn't have a weekend to talk about, every single miserable one of us. If you happen to have a good weekend, don't talk to us or else we might get homicidal. But I think the icing on the cake was when the boyfriend called to say his grandfather passed away. Stunned. I am just stunned. I always thought the old man was going to live to see a 100, you know. Said he went naturally, peacefully, painlessly, thankfully. We weren't that close, I have to admit but he was always so chatty when I came around to visit. Incidentally, he was the one who kept pushing me to join the service before I had even considered that option. Said it was stable and they really had to have a good reason to let you go, otherwise you're safe. I went ahead and signed my soul away (though I didn't know it at the time) and boy, was he over the moon about it after the boyfriend told him. So proud, the boyfriend says, they're proud of you. So how not to be stunned right?

On a much lighter note, the brother and I caught Twilight to check out what the fuss was all about. And well, I sort of get what the fuss was all about. It is no wonder that millions of chicks were taken by this story. Maybe because of Robert Pattinson but I reckon it had alot more to do with the Edward Cullen character. So, dudes, take the cue from Vampire101 on keeping it real with the chicks, watch/read Twilight. C'mon, "You're like my own personal brand of heroin"? That has some drugged up arena rock band stamped all over it, dudes. You can't go wrong there. I swear to god that line was the only thing that made an impression on me cos I can't get over the fact that I heard that in some song. Judas Preist? Nine Inch Nails' The Perfect Drug? Must be lar.