I am extremely lethargic. I'm suppose to be working on the Asia Pacific Entreprenuer Conference write-up and my Courts visit write-up and I can't think straight. Both pieces are the driest I've ever had to work on.

Null has a Cd with a bunch of nu-metal, pop punk and alternative tracks on it. I listened to a pop punk track by accident. The track's called I'd Do Anything.
HORRORS OF HORRORS! The song is by RE-enactment Boy's current favourites, Simple Plan. Before I know who it was by I actually LIKE the guitar riffs. SEKALI I listen the second time, coz I only pay attention to the lyrics of a song on my 2nd time round (normal procedure for me). I was so irked out I wanted to puke. All I can say is it's no wonder Re-enactment Boy digs them coz I suspect the whole Simple Plan album is like his diary. I'd Do Anything depicts our current situation down to a T. What a fuck up! No wonder he talks incessantly about Simple Plan coz he knows I'll check them out. Screw that! I still think Sum41 is the best produce out of Canada. I'm a sad case coz I actually figure it out. Wish I was more thick skin and oblivious to it all. Another yucky thing about I'd Do Anything: Mark Hoppus is on it and the Simple Plan's drummer is 23. Fuck old and still doing pop punk. It's like Mariah Carey doing Lover Boy. Like SADAR DIRI SIKIT!